EMDR works!! I had pretty bad PTSD. My PTSD comes from my daughter who was 16 when she passed away. She had bone cancer she fought for 2 years.

Would u believe EMDR has pretty much cured it. If it hadn’t happened to me I would tell someone their full of shit there’s no way, I could have the life I have now. Because I believed this was going to be my life for the rest of my life. I feel alive again, I notice the beauty of things around me.  Things that used to trigger me, no longer do. It’s hard to explain how EMDR works.
It was hard to have family moments watching her cousins get married and having kids. To be around them and me seeing everything I missed with my daughter. It was so bad that one of the days I tried to be around them I would be so in my head playing that record of the trauma whichever one my brain decided to play. That a 10 minute drive took me 40 minutes to get home because of the nightmare in my head, it wouldn’t shut up enough to get me home. I would have to keep turning around feeling lost in a town I knew. I set my GPS and still keep saying don’t turn around again.              Watching ur child in pain mentally and physically and that’s all u can do is watch u can’t fix it. When that’s what every parent wants is to make ur child feel better So if just the word cancer came up I would spiral down the rabbit hole. I couldn’t watch commercials because of so many things said about cancer. I can now be around when commercials like St. Jude talking about kids having cancer. I can hear it and not want to yell “TURN THE CHANNEL” !!! That’s just one example.                                                                                                                                                                              If u who have PTSD u know how u can sit there in that same place watching it all over and over and being there again and again To smell the candles to hear the songs that were playing. To everything I said to her It’s like ur there reliving that day over and over again. Feeling the exact same way, like I was sitting there in the same chair and holding her hand hearing everything hearing all the loved ones talking to her and what they were saying and keep watching her take her last breath knowing ur not there again but can’t help feeling like u truly are! EMDR works I don’t have those moments I have memories of the day but I do not spiral down the rabbit hole anymore!

The ones closest to you will notice the changes from doing EMDR!

My other daughter told me last Thanksgiving I got my Mom back she wanted to dance with me and have me fix her hair she’s an adult and when she saw the change she reverted to some of the things we did before her sister got cancer. After years of PTSD, I now spend more time with my beautiful daughter and I’m present when we’re together those who have PTSD know what I’m talking about u can be sitting there but you are a shell of the person you were before PTSD. Waiting for the moment u won’t be exhausted from trying to pretend everything is ok.

My sister noticed the change too. A friend who used to help me get thru my very worst moments notices it too. I would love to see others do it to help them too. There is no reason to live our life’s like this. U will spend more time being around your family and being present.  It took me some time to get here it took about 8 months going every week because it was working so well I didn’t want to stop. I never thought I could have my life back the life I had before she passed away. I still feel guilty from not being there for years for my other daughter because I was present but because of the war going on inside my head I wasn’t completely there. There are memories that I forgot that I now remember memories of the good times that had happened because of my mind not allowing me to have space for those memories to not have days play over and over again of certain days like the moment she passed away.

So in memory of my daughter who wanted to help other kids with cancer get thru what she was going thru. I want to do what she wanted and help people going through what I was going thru to make it better and if I just helped one person it’s worth me sharing my story. Please share the more aware of EMDR people are, the more we can help others get their life’s back too. Thanks!



I have done EMDR for months it has cured my PTSD.  I have referred my friends to People to People you are the best   Thanks for all you have done for me.

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I’ve really enjoyed the services I’ve received here and felt my personal therapist has been very helpful with anything I’ve presented to her, and have recommended this place in particular to friends who have told me they’re seeking therapy!

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Kindness greats you everywhere.

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We tried another local provider before coming to People to People and I didn’t see much change or improvement in my daughter. Once we started therapy with Amber Houck there was a clear difference. Even after the first session my daughter felt more positive about therapy in general and now looks forward to her therapy sessions. I am optimistic that her counseling will help my daughter advance to her next level in a healthier way and I’m very glad she’s a patient of the practice.

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People to People has been an amazing facility and provided exactly what we needed. I am so glad we found them!

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I would recommend others to use the services provided by People to People.

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I have slowly learned to communicate with others on a better level, set boundaries for myself and take steps to confront things or people that make me uneasy or stresses out.

I feel more confident knowing I have someone I can trust and talk with about my daily struggles without being made to feel uncomfortable or stressed.

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My therapist and I get along great, I feel very comfortable talking to her. She has helped me a lot and has helped me truly become the best version of myself.

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10 out of 10, would be mentally ill without therapist.

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